Ski Land has Adopted the Following Policies Regarding Uphill Travel

Uphill travel includes skinning, hiking, boot-packing, or any other means of traveling uphill without the use of a lift.

There is no Ski Patrol or rescue available. You are on your own. Be safe and smart

No Uphill Travel is permitted on days that Ski Land is in operation. This includes BEFORE, AFTER, and DURING our hours of operation for the day.

Uphill Travel is not permitted after dark or after 8pm, whichever occurs first.

Ski Land is closed to the public from 8pm-8amDo not go in any building or structure, including the deck

Do not go near the loading or unloading stations of the chairlift

Do not walk on, walk over, ski/board on, or ski/board over the Magic Carpe

Uphill Travel is only permitted on Blueberry, on skiers left, near the trees.

Dogs are welcome but must stay under your control at all times and on a leash while at the top.Jump building is not permitted.

Snowcats have the right of way. Move out of their way and make sure the operator can see you. ALWAYS. EVERYWHERE. EVERY RUN. EVERY PLACE

DO NOT SKI OR BOARD ON RUNS THAT HAVE BEEN RECENTLY GROOMED FOR THE WEEKEND. (The Uphill Travel path on Blueberry and the Cat Track are the only exception).Respect all request and instruction of any Ski Land Staff Member.

Do not park on the side of Skiland Rd. It is a private road and you will be towed.

Do not use any Terrain Park Feature.

Motorized vehicles of any type are strictly prohibited. Always.

Sledding on any device is prohibited

Only Alpine skis, Touring skis, Nordic Skis, Snowboards (with restraint device), Snowskates (with restraint device) and Snowblades may be used.

Kites are not allowed

.Any of these policies may change or new ones may be added at any time at Ski Lands sole discretion. If everyone follows these policies, Uphill Travel can continue to be enjoyed by everyone all season long.